I’m a wife to my adorably dorky college sweetheart and best friend and first time momma to my baby boy. I’m always hungry for a slice of pizza and feel most like myself with a camera in my hands, ugly crying during father of the bride speeches. My love for people led me to a psychology degree, however my true love for capturing people in their biggest moments led me to photography. I grew up watching my dad lug his film photography gear on every family vacation. I spent hours upon hours pouring over every photo he took, obsessed with how he was able to freeze moments in time. I remember the feeling and wanting to be able to save my favorite moments to look at over and over as well.

Eventually, my dad gifted me some of his gear to start out on my own and I spent all of high school annoying the life out of my family and friends. I’ll be honest, I can be a bit of a perfectionist and a desire for technical control led me to purchase some of my first digital photo gear. I shot my first wedding shortly thereafter, fell completely in love with the emotion of the day and the rest was history as they say. The privilege of capturing your best day ever has me constantly pinching myself. Thinking of you looking through every image that tells your story takes me back to how I first felt looking through my dad’s film. 



Goofy, fun, everyday love stories are my jam and my goal is to capture yours. I want you to be able to see yourself and the ones you love the most as truly “you” in every image.

Posed images only tell your story so much and can feel stiff and unnatural and on your wedding day, I want to capture you in moments where you feel most yourself. With me third wheelin it, plan to practice your first dance or hip bump one another, just letting loose. 

Wedding days FLY by and you can’t possibly catch every moment, say hi to every guest AND enjoy that dinner you’ve been planning for months all at the same time. Leave it to me to capture all those in between moments in my fun, photojournalistic style for you to look back on and relive your day as it happened.



  •  i met my husband when i was 18

  • the clearance rack will forever be my first stop

  • I’m a huge chapstick hoarder

  • i'm a true crime podcast junkie (always looking for more so share your favs!)

  • i snort when i laugh. Whatevs.

  • i’m serially running my gas tank to empty

  • i'm not superstitious but i am a little stitious

  • yellow starbursts are severely underrated and by far my favorite
